Sending Transcripts

How to request your Transcript:

1. Go to and register for an account. Use Chrome or Firefox.

2. Click on “Create Account” in the upper left-hand corner.

• Please enter a Primary and a Secondary email in the fields provided.

• When you graduate, your school email will be disabled.

• Use your personal email as one of your emails.

• Keep the emails and password you use to create this account.

• You will need these when you access the site any time after you graduate.

3. Click the “+” button to add your high school

4. Type “Central High School Evansville” and search.

5. Fill out the Enrollment Information and click “submit.”

--You are requesting a transcript from a high school

--Make sure you choose to send a current transcript for a college application.

--Enrollment status = Currently enrolled

--Earliest date- 2017 (Class of 2021)

--You do or do not waive your FERPA privacy rights

6. Click “order” and type the university name you wish to send your transcript to.

7. Confirm the order and send.

Then, in May, you must request your Final Transcript. Select HOLD FOR GRADES. **Even if you have previously requested a transcript for a college application, you must request your transcript a second time in May so that your college will receive your 8th semester grades and graduate status.

If you are undecided about which college you are going to attend, request a Final Transcript to go to each of your favorites. There is no fee for these transcripts. After you graduate, Parchment will charge a fee.

**If your college does not get your final transcript after you graduate, they will put your schedule or your account on hold until they receive it. We see this happen every year. Please don’t forget this important step.

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