School Song

Central's Fight Song

Adapted from the "Minnesota Rouser."

"The Rouser" originated in 1917. Ada Bicking, music supervisor, suggested the tune of the University of Minnesota rouser, and a girl of the class of 1918 wrote the words. It first appears in the SAGAS of 1918 beginning, "Evansville High School, hats off to thee!" The change to "Central High School, hats off to thee!" the following year greatly improved the rhythm.

The Rouser

Central High School hats off to thee

To your colors true we shall ever be

Firm and strong, united are we

Rah Rah Rah for Central High

Rah Rah Rah Rah

Rah, for the Gold and Brown

C-E-N-T-R-A-L all for Central give a big yell

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