Volunteer Opportunities

Communications Chair: This person will oversee the newsletter and keep the website current with the help of the school’s webmaster.

Clothing Bank/Bearwinkle’s Closet: Please consider helping in Bearwinkle’s closet as well as the Area Council Clothing Bank at Washington Middle School. 

Senior Activities: Senior parents, this is your time to shine! Help plan the senior activities at the end of the year.

After Prom: Help plan a fantastic after prom party to keep our students in a safe and fun environment after prom.

Fall & Spring Candy and Brownie Sundae Sales: The first two weeks of September and the first week of February – get in your teen’s element and sell sweets outside the cafeteria! It runs from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., but you can come in for shorter shifts if you need to.

Apple Sale: A wonderful Central tradition!! Come to the school and sell apples outside the cafeteria or you can help take them door to door to the classes – the kid’s love it! Sign up now! 

Taste of Central: If you missed this the last two years, you missed some great food and a fun atmosphere. This happens in the evening for those of us who have a hard time getting away from work during the day. This usually happens in February. Dates TBA
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