School Crest

crestKey to Central High School Crest:

The background of the School Crest is a shield, which is a defensive instrument and represents defending the school both academically and athletically.

On the top of the shield is the school mascot, the Bear.

Also on top of the shield is the torch, which represents education. Inside the flame of the torch, the year 1854 is visible. This is when the torch of education was lit, and Central High School was founded as the first Evansville High School.

In the middle of the shield is the old Central Tower. It was constructed in 1896 and was part of the sixth building used by Central High School. The tower is symbolic of the rich heritage of Central High School.

The lyre, mask, and palette represent the importance of fine arts.

The winged foot symbolizes the excellence in athletics.

The hourglass represents the passing of time. Behind the hourglass is the Allegheny Mountains. Central High School is the oldest school west of these mountains.

The plow and corn represent farming and agriculture, which was once the backbone of the community.

The open book represents the past, present and the future of Central High School. The pages already turned represent the past, the showing pages represent the present, and the pages yet to be turned represent the future.

The slide rule and square represent the industrial and economic stability of the community.

At the bottom of the shield is the year 1971, the year Central moved to it seventh and current building.

The laurel leaves on the sides of the shield represent achievement.

These combined symbols represent the outstanding institution that is Central High School.
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